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s2p file based ADS models

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Hi all,

1) Does anyone have experience with building ADS simulation models using s2p data?

I tried searching, but I couldn't find anything that relates to my problem.

I am trying to construct a resistor model based upon an s2p file, but I need some guidance.

2) My second question is can you change the resistance value of the model once it's created ...or are all the parameters fixed?

I'm still using an ancient version of ADS (ADS2001), so I don't know if the current methods used to create an ADS model still apply to my version.

Thanks in advance!

So you want to create a scalable equivalent circuit model, instead of using the s2p data directly?

Well, I guess I want the best of both worlds.

I'd like to use the s2p data, but still allow the user to define the R value.

This is the situation... I have a good s2p file of a 50 ohm resistor recorded up to 20GHz, but I have a customer who wants to see how our resistors will perform with a value of 120 ohms.

What I'd like to do is build a model that uses/references the s2p file, but incorporate a variable DC resistance if possible.

I am afraid it is not that easy.

The snp files are "static", no parameters.
There is a different file type in ADS called MDIF which can take a set of S-Parameters for different parameter values, so that it be possible to combine measurements into a single file. ADS will be able to interpolate within the parameter range if needed.

For your resistor, I would expect that the parasitics are slightly different between the 50ohm and the 120ohm type. For this reason, I don't think that you can just take the 50ohm data and tweak the series resistance in ADS without adjusting the parasitics.

That was what I was initially suspecting, but I needed someone who was knowledgeable to confirm.

Thanks for your time and help.

If an linear extrapolation is made by aid of a very precise model of resistor, I guess that's possible


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