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How to find the plots of R vs f and L vs f in ADS

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I simulated a microstrip line structure putting on a lossy substrate. After the ADS Momentum s-parameter simulation, I got the graphs of the magnitude vs f (dB vs GHZ) and phase vs f (degree vs GHz) of the parameters S11, S12, S21 and S22.
The frequency range is 0.01 GHz to 10 GHz.

Now please tell me the procedure- how to get the plots of Resistance/unit length and Inductance/unit length of the microstrip line.


Connect one port to ground and make your s-parameters simulation again.You'll find S11 and Z11 (if you tick this option in simulation controller)
In this case, Re{Z11} will give you Total Resistance, Im{Z11}/2*PI*freq. will give you total inductance value (like a lossy coil).If you assume that your microstrip line has unit components homongenly and linearly disributed along the line, you can calculate these values.

Hello Bigboss,

Thank you so much for your reply.
As you told me- I inserted the port at one end, and the output end is made grounded.
Now after the Momentum s-parameter simulation, I got the plots of S11 (magnitude vs f and phase vs f).
With this reply, I have also attached the document mentioning the test structure as well as new simulation results. Please download that file.

*** Query --- I still couldn't find the Z11 vs freq plots from S11 values.
Please tell me the steps in the ADS.
In the attached document (at last of the document), I pasted the snap shot of the simulation window. Please tell me how to get the value of Z11.


in the s-para simulator check/activate/selcet for the option to calculate z-parameters.

In s-parameters simulation control block, there is a tab called as "parameters".Under this tab, tick "z-parameters" option to calculate them.


Can we use Z=stoz(S) command directly in ADS for the conversion of s-parameters into z-parameters ?

I have ADS 2008 version and couldn't find the Z parameters option in S-parameter simulation in the layout window.


it may not work.
place the layout component in sch and do the same listed above.

Hi BigBoss and kspalla,

Thank you so much for your prompt responses.

If possible, please send me the snap shot of "s-parameters simulation control block" containing the "parameters" tab for Z-parameters.

For the layout structure simulation, I am using the following options in the layout window ---
[Momentum ---> Simulation ---> S-parameters...]

Here I couldn't find this option.


you will not find it in layout as the solver is momentum not ADS.
you need to crarte look like and place the layout component in schematic and do sch simulation.
here S-para sim controller has the option not in layout.


I found the option in Schematic.

Thank you.


上一篇:What cause my designkit error in ADS?
下一篇:source pull in ADS need help

