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ads momentum eddy current

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Hi, I'am recently doing the inductor design on CMOS.
There is one thing I am confused. Usually, people do the patterned ground shield on polysilicon. In standard CMOS technology, the there is a thin gate oxide layer between the polysilicon and the p-substrate. Because I need model the CMOS technology file in ADS before the design, just don't know how to add these layers. I mean, the bottom layer is p-substrate, and on top of that, is that the gate oxide, poly, oxide,M1.... as usual? Or, for inductor design, this oxide thickness between the poly and p-sub can be any value?

Thanks a lot.

ADS do not recognize poly, oxide etc.You need to define the layer dielectric constant and layer thickness, conductor properties, thickness etc.
So determine these parameters from the 0.18un or what ever the process.

Ok, thanks a lot. I see.
And I've got another question about the real inductor design. I just don't know what's on top of the p-substrate. Is that a layer of oxide like gate oxide in CMOS transistor? or some other thing? I mean the normal situation on standard CMOS.
Really appreciated.

Wrong information..
ADS recognizes polysilicon,oxide layers,nitride layers as well as metallic layers. etc. if you define dielectric coefficients and magnetic permeability constants.

It doesn't know what they are only..

OK, thanks.
One particular question is that, I found there is a
'base_dielectric layer =0.3 um , in ITF file
is this the dielectric layer thickness between the polysilicon and p-substrate? THanks.

Another question is that:
Can ADS momentum simulate eddy current effect?

I guess the latest versions can take them into acount if the " vertical currents" option is selected.
But I'm not sure 100%..

Hi, thanks a lot indeed.
My version is 2006a. Do you know where I can find this option? In substrate configuration?


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