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ADS template for IV pulsed measurement
Does it possible to create an ADS schematic able to compute same conditions of a pulsed IV measurement bench to test transistor?
Maybe you could do a transient sim, with a couple voltage supplies controlled by a DAC, which would have a voltage vs. time table.
Good Luck!
Let us know what you find out. I don't know of any RF models that have a thermal transient behavior. If you put the device (a large device) on a slow DCIV analyzer the slope of the curves will decrease (or go negative) as power dissipation increases. If you don't get similar response with a DC analysis of your model then it contains no thermal behavior. If it does then I'll bet it's only static and a transient analysis of DCIV will match. It will be interesting to find out. I know the Freescale LDMOS models claim some kind of thermal behavior but I have never tried it. There are other transient/memory effects that show up with pulsed IV but I don't think those are usually modeled either. The pulsed IV is usually used to test break-down or extract DCIV curves by pulsing from a quiescent bias point that may be similar to the application of your transistor.
My job is based on transistor modeling tasks, using pulsed RF/IV test set we develop electro thermal transistor models. the pulse bench is able to disociate thermal effect / lags effect... it's the reason why we are using.
From this data and with personnal tools we extract models; but when you perform a static simulation with a transistor model in ADS usually it's CW mode, that not match the measurement conditions, that's why I proposed the subject.
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