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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > How can you see whether a circuit oscillates or not in ADS?

How can you see whether a circuit oscillates or not in ADS?

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How can you see whether a circuit oscillates or not in ADS?

Write an equation to check classic stability condition.

in ADS there is a component called oscillator check , this is calculate the phase and amplitude response and check it the circuit will oscillate or not , u can find it in the S parameters simulatioin tab


Using tutorial in rfic.co.uk , you can ifnd a lot of tutorial related to oscillator in ADS

also check the ads documnetaion there are a lot of information there


go to:

it is very usuful for:
LNA, Balun, Oscillator, Patch Antenna and ....

you can use ADS wizard guide for oscillator designing

What if the phase goes through zero, but the circuit doesn't oscillate?

Could you please attach an oscillator which oscillates? thanks

check this it is a simple oscillator



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