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ADS Monemtum simulation not accurate?

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Hi all,

currently i am designing a patch microstrip antenna using ADS and i encounter some problems. i have two design dimensions and when i simulate thme using momentum i get both S11 response at 2.4 GHz. i know one of them is wrong , the other is correct (the measured S11 is at 3.5 GHz instead of the 2.4 shown in ADS) as i have fabricated the antennas and measured them using a network analyser. so is ADS momentum simulation not accurate? what is the cause of the inaccuracte in ADS? thanks a lot..


Possible problem is that you εr value is wrong.
I had a design that the board company use a
2.96 εr in stead of a 10.2 εr, and my match
was 450MHz off.

Good luck


i encountered a similar problem with momentum several years ago. as far as i can remember, one possibilty may be due to the dataset of momentum. before starting the simulation, please be sure that momentum updates your previous dataset or reads your s-parameters from the correct dataset. as i had exactly the same problem, i'm sure that your simulation environment is OK (material parameters, layout etc.). in worst case, simulate your second antenna in a different project.

hope this helps.


After 5 years experiences with ADS,I realy think that it is one of the 3 top electromagnetic softwares.
About your problem:
check your mesh setting.sometimes incorrect mesh setting give you incorrect
results.also check box & port setting.depend on project internal port or single port
must be used.

Good Luck!

hi all,

thanks for the reply. realli love this forum, lots of helpful guys.:D. i will go check all the item u guys mention, thanks.. have a nice day!



上一篇:urgent help on filters design with ADS
下一篇:how to export S-matrix from ADS Momentum

