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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > Anybody can share the document about ADS fuction?

Anybody can share the document about ADS fuction?

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Hi all,
I confused about how to use the function of ADS Equation,and can not find enough example in the Help file of ADS,Anybody can share the document how to use the function of ADS?
Thnak a lot,

You can use it in the data display window. You can also look at the variable to determine type and data structure of that variable i.e. Real, Complex, 1D array 2D array etc

You can use the internal help in ADS itself, it provide a lot of examples and list of functions grouped in catigories to be easier to look in.

I hope that helped,


上一篇:Tutorials on Filter Design in ADS
下一篇:How to measure the sensitivity of a detector in ADS?

