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Design LNA in ADS and cadence

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Hi,I try to design Ka band LNA in ADS and using cadence to drew layout. Have you have any idea about connecting these two software?

Only RFDE can connect these software. In fact RFDE ( Radio Frequency Design Environment ) is a UNIX version of ADS. By writing some scripts , you can use ADS through Cadence.

When you open Cadence you can also open and transform the netlist into Cadence. It's litlle bit complicated but I use it daily.

You can simulate and use some all features of ADS through Cadence. Especially "analog extracted view" netlist is very very important for RFIC design which covers all parasitic components from layout view.

Please "BigBoss" can you give us more detailes RFED?about the ver. you used to do this and how ?


Look at here..

sorry... but the link doesn't work with me ,It gives error "HTTP 404" and the main page doesn't exist ?

change @ to a

learned more.Thanks

i am now designing a Ka band LNA, but i simulate in ADS and then chang the enviroment to cadence directly, only make DRC rule by hand, not aotu.

Hi GigBoss
I don't understand

I've a design-kit for ads, can I make simulation in cadence without a pdk for cadence?

Can I extract the schematic starting from the ads layout in cadence?

Hi GigBoss
I don't understand

I've a design-kit for @DS, can I make simulation in cadence without a pdk for cadence?

Can I extract the schematic starting from the @DS layout in cadence?

No, it doesn't mean that..

If you have pdk for Cadence, you can use ADS utilities through Cadence for instance you do some simulations by aid of HB of ADS. So, ADS accepts the netlisting procedure of Cadence...
That I have meant..

Hello wasm & Bigboss,

You need to have seperate PDK's for Cadence & ADS to do simulation in ADS & Layout or extraction in Cadence...

Q: I've a design-kit for @DS, can I make simulation in cadence without a pdk for cadence?


Find attached a very nice & also complicated flow of RFDE specific w.r.t Jazz semi.


so, if I want to extract the schematic of a chip designed on a foundry facility that has only ADS design-kit I can't do that!

That's a problem!

I've also a sub-question

The extracted equivalent circuit is in the form of parasitic resistance and capacitance or also include inductance?

I'm sorry if the question is quite stupid but I'm a microwave designer so I worked only with ADS like software till now


It depends..

If you use Diva extraction you'll only parasitic capacitances of the layout but if you have a license of Assura RCX, you may obtain parasitic resistances, capacitances as well as inductances and mutual inductances. But in every case, technolgy file should you permit to do extraction that is very difficult.

For instance for my company has RCX licnese but we can not extract inductances and mutual inductances due to technological restrictions. But in near future we're gonna do..

You mean that foundry does not provide a "full features" technology file? Or that RX Assura full license is quite expensive?

Another (probably stupid) question: In my rdfe installation the ads standard library is directly accesible from Cadence schematic, for which reason this is not true for ads design-kit? Are you sure that there are non ways to do that? (I'm talking about circuital simulation not LVS)

Do you know if Cadence do "special offer/license" for University?

Thanks in advance


If you have pdk for Cadence, you can use ADS utilities through Cadence for instance you do some simulations by aid of HB of ADS. So, ADS accepts the netlisting procedure of Cadence...


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