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ads transmission line port internal port

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Hi all,
It is my first time to use Co-simulation in ADS.I met a problem as bellow:

and attached my file(winrar format and ADS2006 version).Anybody can tell me how to solve it?
Thank you in advance,

double click on the layout component , and uncheck the reuse model box , and simulate
the momentum will launch and it will uppdate the component

that's it


Thank Khouly for your kindness.I can run the simulation now.Another hand,when i run momentum simulation,i met another case:it indicates:Transmission line port can not be inside circuit as port 6,it is modified be internal port.My question is how i can connect the cap and inductor into Co-simulation,if i do not place the port in the circuit?When i generated the layout from the schematics,and directly place the comonent artwork into PCB.How to deal with the groud of schematics in momentum ?

Thank Khouly for your kindness.I can run the simulation now.Another hand,when i run momentum simulation,i met another case:it indicates:Transmission line port can not be inside circuit as port 6,it is modified to be internal port.My question is how i can connect the cap and inductor into Co-simulation,if i do not place the port in the circuit?When i generated the layout from the schematics,and directly place the comonent artwork into PCB.How to deal with the groud of schematics in momentum ?

And I met another case when re-simulate.


double click on the layout compoent , and check for the refence pin box
this should make the ground pin for ur structure


I fix it now.Thank you!


上一篇:What's the difference between MLEF and MLOC in ADS?
下一篇:how to use ADS optimality analysis can be more effective

