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need help from ADS experts

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Hi friends
I have designed & simulated a circular resonator in ADS momentum
& I have created a component model so that I can use in schematic simulation.
While doing momentum simulation I have provided frequency range( 4GHz to 7GHz) & adaptive sampling & used in simulation.
My question is
Do i have to make the range(0GHz that is DC to 7GHz) so that DC will also come in to picture or when I will use the same momentum component (4-7GHz) in schematic simulation , ADS will take care of DC?
Because when you include 0GHz to 7GHz/4-7gHz , you get different values for both.
My ciruit is oscillator circuit for 6GHz.
Pleasu suggest me because my circuit fail to oscillate at expected frequency.I dont want my circuit to fail this time.
I am observing lot of shift around 400-500MHz when i implimented it.

both should work


Both give different results.
one give 5.8GHz & other 6GHz

so which will you trust?

mmmm , this is strange

are u sure , everything else is the same ?


yeah, every thing is same.
funny thing is for 5.8GHz power is 6dBm
& when i include DC, Power goes to 11dBm!
These circuit dont oscillate when i want to see up to 3rd order.
i can olny see when i made order 7!

Hello Abhishekabs,

In order to run Harmonic Balance (HB) a DC point is required and hence the second one should be correct...

If S-parameters does not include DC conditions for your circuit, it may extrapolate the data for Nonlinear HB simulations this is not a good results...

Thanks Manju
I will include the DC in the simulation.
I will make it 0Hz ot 7GHz.


upload ur ADS files, I think it may be setup problems.


上一篇:system level design in ADS_
下一篇:Principle of ferrite beads

