- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
Do anyone known to create Design Kits in ADS2008 software?
Please anyone help me procedures to make Design Kits in ADS2008?
Thank your help!
Design Kit Manual
Open ADS
On toolbars there is manu
install design kits
open it - provide a path for design kit you want to install & say ok
And you have done
he wants to build his own design kit , not to install one
building a design kit is a hard task. but u need to follow the ADS manuals
Thank very much everyone, I start learning ADS so Help in ADS is difficultly with me to create Design Kits. If anyone have examples or material about Design Kits. Please give me!
Thank your help!
u need to contact agilent , they may have some sort of materials to make u job easier
As posted above your best approach is to read the Design Kit Development Manual. This manual contains a Design Kit Tutorial which takes you step-by-step through the development of an example Design Kit.
There is also a demo Design Kit available under installation directory/examples/DesignKit/DemoKit which is available as reference.
library builder is the tool directly create designkit. can you contact agilent to ask for the tool.
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