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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > How to build design kit grom transistor models in lib files for ADS?

How to build design kit grom transistor models in lib files for ADS?

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I have transistor models in lib files for ADS. (BSIM 3.3 etc.. ) How can I use them?
How can I build a basic design kit from them?


use netlist include , block to include the model

but be sure that this model is compatible with ADS



If you have a full design kit, you can use Design Kit Menu(in ADS Main Page) and

install design kit function, but you must be sure that your design kit

file structure and model files are fully compatible with ADS.

Good Luck!

he want to build a design kit ,

he need to check the documentation on how to build it , it is not an easy thing


this link is toturial ADS:


Check the photo attached, the circuit does not necessarily work, I just made it to show you how to define a transistor using the BSIM model.

Something else, check the circle that I have shown you.


Thanks Sadegh

But I want to use my file, so I look for the solution without typing all the parameters, just join the file to the transistor or something like that...


Got it, sorry about the miss understanding. Then check this one; (Never mind the circuit, does necessarily work, sorry about it)

Obviously you have to put the library file in the right path. I will attach a second picture.

Let me know if you have any other problems.



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