• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > How to add time delay when doing impedance matching in ADS

How to add time delay when doing impedance matching in ADS

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My network analyzer can't add time delay(electrical length) into
touch stone file. How can I use ADS to add time delay function ?
Thanks a lot.

you can add a delay module to it and then let the two as one to simulate in ADS,
good luck!

Where can I find delay module ?
Thanks a lot.

u can find it in the system-passive menu in the components palet

time dely

wish this help , or u can add the TL with electrical length crossponding to the time delay

wish this help



上一篇:flow of designing LNA, if no compenent in the ADS library
下一篇:help: mixer phase noise in ADS

