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ads ael expressions installation

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I am creating user defined AEL files in ADS software, I want to use a AEL function which is related to a data display.

But this function doesn't want to be loaded when I am runing the simulation and then the function is undefined in the dds window.

Could you help me?

Data Display Expresion AEL files have to be loaded through a file called user_defined_fun.ael. This file can then contain load expressions to load other user define AEL files, i.e. "load("more_user_defined_fun.ael");".

The easiest/quickest way to get the files loaded is then to copy all of the files, user_defined_fun.ael and all the files that it loads into SHOME/hpeesof/expressions/ael and restart ADS. The expressions will then get loaded when the Data Display is opened.

thank you very much, perfect!

It works now, I forgot the "" into the brackets !


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下一篇:zap file to ads

