- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
import power file into ads
I have an excel sheet that has a p_in vs. p_out, how can i import this into ADS
You can't import excel sheet into @DS, but you need convert p_in vs. p_out to S21, then use @DS's DAC in parameter S21 of amp ,
If you care for large large signal stata, you possibly FDD2P(Frequency-Domain Defined Devices) or SDD2P(Symbolically Defined Devices, 2Ports), but i have not use SDD2P to simulate, pl try. If you make good winning, pl tell me.
1. make formula V[i, j](FDD2P) or I[i,0] (SDD2P) of Pin VS. Pout by mathcad software.
上一篇:Can not find RF signal substractor symble in ADS2002
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