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ADS question:power source

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I can't understand something.
If I use a P1_Tone element in ADS and I adjust 4 dBm power and I don't make anything else just use an 50 ohm term (the P1_Tone is 50 ohm, as well).
And I measure the voltage and the current, and plot them in dBm and the ADS said that the voltage: 4 dBm, and the current is -30 dBm. I can't imagi9ne how the -30 dBm.
If I plot the time signals, everything is good. Ueff=0.35V, Ieff=7.07 mA

Any idea?

may be your equation is incorrect.
take reference as below

POUT_0=0.5*real(mix(VOUT,{0,1})*conj(mix(I_LOAD.i, {0,1})))
POUT_1=0.5*real(mix(VOUT,{1,0})*conj(mix(I_LOAD.i, {1,0})))

these equations used in caulation two tone power.

I used one tone power source.


上一篇:Need documents about Hspice to ADS conversions
下一篇:How to generate a spice netlist file from ADS schemetic?

