• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > How to measure phase noise in ADS?

How to measure phase noise in ADS?

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I have designed an oscillator and I want to measure it's phase noise in ADS, what simulation can be used? How can I ask ADS to the measurement?

Hi Sadegh.j,
Harmonic Ballance simulatiom will solve your problem. In the attached file, go to ch3. I think this is what you are lookin for.

Hope it helps,

the HB is the simulator for phase noise
u should frist adjust the HB with the oscport , to dtect the oscillation , then select noise analysis by adding the noise controller , and specify the frequency range of analysis and the output type , and plot the pnmx , this is the phase noise , also u can plot the amplitude noise



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