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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > ADS can layout like the L-edit or other analog layout tool?

ADS can layout like the L-edit or other analog layout tool?

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I am a beginner in RFIC,
ADS can layout like the L-edit or other analog layout tool?



AWR Analog Office is complete design suite for RF IC Design (SiGe & RFCMOS)....
It has powerful layout editor...

Higher capacity, faster layout editing

Analog Office design suite provides IC designers with a complete physical design system to fully implement their analog and RF IC designs within a single environment, eliminating the need for switching between multiple environments and databases. The Analog Office package offers a completely interactive custom layout tool with integrated device-level, placement, and routing features to speed up the creation of analog and RF circuit blocks and chips. An integrated design rule check (DRC) capability and interface to industry'?s leading DRC tools ensure the physical layout being created always meets the process design rules, resulting in a correct-by-design, error-free layout. The layout editor is directly connected to the EM socket, providing on-the-fly EM extraction and modeling of arbitrary layout structures and complex spiral inductors. At every step during the physical design process, the iNet technology continuously updates in real time the underlying interconnect data model, and after each interconnect is implemented, or laid out, concurrent simulation and analysis can be immediately invoked on the schematic or layout to verify the performance of the overall design without waiting for the final layout of the whole design to be completed.

But how can I find the software, someone can tell the adress of AWR?

You can register here to download & get the 30 days license


and description & latest Process Design Kits (PDK) available...
Analog Office 2006 Datasheet

Analog Office PDK Datasheet

To see online demo from DemosonDemad link


下一篇:Design of Slot Antenna in ADS

