• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Doubt regarding HFSS and ADS

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hai all,

right now i am developing one power divider in ADS and one five element base station antenna in HFSS. Is there any possiblity that i can import the file of power divider from ADS and combine that in the HFSS with the Antenna and run the simulations in HFSS.

if it is not possible tell me in which software i can develop both and run the simulations?

waiting for u r replies

yeah you can use GDSII file format to import and export between HFSS and ADS also microwave office can be used.
hope it helped

1. import ADS layout (GDSII) into HFSS for simulation.
2. import ADS layout(GDSII) into ansoft designer as planar EM component, import HFSS component int odesigner as dynamic link 3D component. Do simulation in designer.

you can simulate the divider in ansoft designer acording parameter in ADS and layout and convert it to HFSS format..


上一篇:Help me simulate the NFmin vs bias and design an LNA in ADS
下一篇:agilent ads2004 layout to excellon file problem

