- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Undergraduate Course/Junior College
* Co-work with EE, SI, EMC and Power engineer to design
* Co-work with manufactory DFM requirement to design
* Knowing very well the whole PCB design flow.
* Electronics Speciality.
* Knowing the basic Allegro environment system.
* Can finish the whole PCB design lonely
* 1-2 years of Layout design experience.
* Have the good experience in Notebook /server.
* Knowing the high speed and D/A design.
* Designed the AMD, Intel or NVIDIA chipset
* Can use capture check the basic schematic issue when you net in
* Can use Cam2000/Cam350 to check the Gerber file issue.
* Have a certain concept on Fab
* Have basic Lib creation experience.
最好帮我全翻译了。谢谢, 这下真的急等啊。明天去面试啊。
Undergraduate Course/Junior College
* Co-work with EE, SI, EMC and Power engineer to design
* Co-work with manufactory DFM requirement to design
* Knowing very well the whole PCB design flow.
* Electronics Speciality.
* Knowing the basic Allegro environment system.
* Can finish the whole PCB design lonely
* 1-2 years of Layout design experience.
* Have the good experience in Notebook /server.
* Knowing the high speed and D/A design.
* Designed the AMD, Intel or NVIDIA chipset
* Can use capture check the basic schematic issue when you net in
* Can use Cam2000/Cam350 to check the Gerber file issue.
* Have a certain concept on Fab
* Have basic Lib creation experience.
最好帮我全翻译了。谢谢, 这下真的急等啊。明天去面试啊。
SI 信号完整性全称:signal integrity
Agilent ADS 教学培训课程套装,专家讲解,视频教学,助您用最短的时间学会ADS
上一篇:求助 在capture 中ROOM 的设置
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