• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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首页 > ADS > ADS使用问答 > 哪有CMOS 0.13的design kit?

哪有CMOS 0.13的design kit?

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如题,我只有tsmc_cm018rf_v3,现在想用.13工艺设计个放大器,没有设计库,谁有能否上传一个,谢谢了! 描述:tsmc_cm018rf_v3




ADS 官方进去之后 给出下面的信息
TSMC 0.13um Design kit version 1.4 updated
The TSMC 0.13um Kit 1.4 version Design Kit has been updated with the following changes.
1.Changed the single inductor palette (IND) to two palettes IND RAD and IND TRN.
2.Modified the inductor and the mimcap components to account for the netlist parameters.
Kindly note the changes made and download the updated Kit. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
比如你要的 design kit ,如果确实找不到,应该可以直接和ADS进行索取。



maybe this will help, see bellow.
How can I obtain the TSMC design kit files?
ADS: How can I obtain the TSMC design kit files?
* I am a supported TSMC customer and want to use the ADS design kit for the TSMC processes. How do I go about obtaining the relevant files?
* I am affiliated to a University or educational facility. I need to use the ADS design kit for the TSMC processes. How do I go about obtaining the relevant files? I cannot access TSMC ONLINE but I have access to MOSIS.
Currently ADS supports the following TSMC foundry processes:
* 0.25 u CMOS
* 0.18 u CMOS
* 0.13 u CMOS
* 0.35 u SiGe
There are design kits available for the above processes. The current versions of the design kits are as follows:
* 0.25 u CMOS ver 4.0
* 0.18 u CMOS ver 5.0
* 0.13 u CMOS ver 1.0
* 0.35 u SiGe ver 1.2
* 0.18 u SiGe ver 1.0
The above kits have two parts:
* Architecture files.
* Model files.
* The architecture files are provided by Agilent EEsof to ALL customers. These files contain information which makes it possible to place the TSMC models in the ADS environment, such as bitmaps and symbols. You can request the architecture files from either your local EEsof Technical Support Center, or from your local EEsof Sales Representative. You need to be a registered Knowledge Center user to obtain these files. The architecture files are provided to you together with the design kit installation instructions.
* The model files are provided by TSMC. The ADS models are contained in two separate zip archives. One zip archive contains the baseband models, the other contains the RF models. The exact file names to be downloaded can be found in the design kit installation instructions you receive with the architecture files (see Step 1 above). Download these files and then follow the installation instructions.
* Most customers can downloaded the model files from
TSMC Online
. You need a username and a password to access this site. Contact your TSMC sales representative for more information.
* If you are affiliated to a University, you may have to download the model files from MOSIS. MOSIS is a low-cost prototyping and small-volume production service for VLSI circuit development.




先顶下,前面几位达人小弟有个问题不解,就是design kit中的模型是大信号模型还是本征模型还是等效电路模型?design kit中的模型能否进行大信号仿真?其仿真特性与实际电路的差异性有多大?正在看《无线应用射频微波电路设计》一书,其中讲到模型的提取,不同的拓扑模型仿真差异是很大的,请问下design kit中的模型拓扑有没有标准,或者是厂家的标准?望前面的达人给点解释,谢谢先




谢谢前面的,那自己建立大信号模型如何选择SPICE MODEL?有什么好建议没?







