- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
ADS2013.06 license 问题
录入:edatop.com 点击:
下载破解版2013.06 ,安装OK,打开主界面OK,进行第一个仿真学习,原理图仿真也OK,当进入到PCB仿真时出问题了,提示license有问题。
License check returned: Momentum Object
License file signature is invalid
Possible Causes:
1. The license file was altered.
2. The license file was created with an invalid key.
Troubleshooting Tips:
1. Do not alter the license files unless directed to do so by Agilent tech support.
2. Obtain a valid license file and restart the license wizard.
License Requested: mom_obj
License path: D:\Agilent\license1.lic;D:\Agilent\license.lic
--- ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------
License not available
另外的电脑在修改license时有点异常,那个Ethernet Address比破解文件的长,只能用空格前面的才能进入系统,否则主界面也打不开。
License check returned: Momentum Object
License file signature is invalid
Possible Causes:
1. The license file was altered.
2. The license file was created with an invalid key.
Troubleshooting Tips:
1. Do not alter the license files unless directed to do so by Agilent tech support.
2. Obtain a valid license file and restart the license wizard.
License Requested: mom_obj
License path: D:\Agilent\license1.lic;D:\Agilent\license.lic
--- ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------
License not available
另外的电脑在修改license时有点异常,那个Ethernet Address比破解文件的长,只能用空格前面的才能进入系统,否则主界面也打不开。
license err1
license err2
license err3
同样的情况 用空格前面 后后面的都行 它相当于提供了两个Ethernet Address 但是在联合仿真的时候报license问题
上一篇: ADS 查看 S参数
下一篇:layers preferences window里的属性没有没有了。(求各位大神指教)
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