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How Do I Combine Load Pull Files

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I have measurement equipment that does not have the ability to sweep certain variables (such as frequency or bias) while performing load pull so I perform individual load pulls and manually sweep the variables of interest. ?I would like to use the NI AWR Design Environments load pull visualization and measurement capability to analyze the performance of my device over these variables. ?How do I go about that?

AWR has created a script to combine load pull files for just this occasion. ?The?Combine Load Pull Files script can be found in the project in the downloads section of this page. ?The script is contained in the project?Combine_Load_Pull_Files.emp and can be run from the scripts menu (Scripts > Load Pull > Combine Load Pull Files).

The project illustrates a combined load pull file from four separate load pull files where frequency and bias were manually swept. ?These files are combined into a single load pull file and the resulting file is then compared to the original files to ensure that is was combined properly. ?

Combining Load Pull Files

The Combine Load Pull Files script uses a control file to specify the data files to be combined and their corresponding independent variable values.

Users can create a control file template by running the script and choosing <Create Template File> from the list of choices. The template shows the control file format and gives instruction on how to specify the variables and the data files to be combined.

! Independent Variables
! Sample variables are: F1, iGammaL1, iGammaL2, iGammaL3, iGammaS1, iGammaS2, iGammaS3, iVd, iVg, rTEMP
! Logic for variable prefixes is as follows:
!	Prefix with "i" if the value can be determined from the a/b waves or DC voltages such as input power, gamma, or bias
!	Otherwise, prefix with "r", except frequency which has no prefix and is always "F1"
!	Note on units: Frequency is in Hz.  You can, however, use scientific notation.  e.g. 1E9

VAR<> IndVar1
VAR<> IndVar2

An example of the independent variables:
VAR<> F1
VAR<> iVd

! File/Variable Association
! Syntax is dataFileName=VAR1_VALUE,VAR2_VALUE,etc...


An example of the datafiles and variable values:

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