Signals and Systems - EE402
Instructor: Prof. Laurent El Ghaoui
UC Berkekey 电子工程专业本科生专业课
Signals and Systems是UC Berkeley电子工程专业本科生课程。课程共26讲,每讲80分钟左右,课程是 .rm 格式。
加州大学伯克莱分校(UC Berkeley)作为世界一流大学,有着世界顶级的大师,所设课程也都是精品中的精品,紧跟最新科技的进展。本站推出的美国一流大学电子、射频、通信精品视频课程套装,让您足不出户就能一睹世界一流大学大师教学的风采;聆听大师的声音、拓展国际化的视野、与国际水平看齐、实现自我价值的提升。
One of the key abilities of an engineer is system-level thinking. Taking this course will help you develop this skill. In particular, you will see how the math and physics you have learned in other courses help you understand rather complex systems that occur in engineering and computer science (with applications to communication systems, biomedical imaging, control, and robotics). The knowledge and skills that you will acquire in this course are at the heart of an entire series of senior-level and graduate classes. We assume that you have familiarity with lower division physics and circuits since these are the source of many examples.
1. A. V. Oppenheim and A. V. Willsky with S. H. Nawab, Signals and Systems. Prentice Hall, 1997. Second Edition.
2. E. A. Lee and P. Varaiya, Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems. Addison-Wesley, 2003.