Microelectronic Devices and Circuits
Instructor: Ming Wu
UC Berkekey 电子工程专业必修课
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits该门视频课程是UC Berkekey 电子工程专业本科生一门必修课程,为后续模拟集成电路课程的学习打下基础。课程共27讲,每讲80分钟左右,包括:.rm格式的课程视频和与视频课程内容配套使用的完整的课程讲义。有了课程讲义让您的学习更有效,在潜移默化中提高专业知识和英语能力。
加州大学伯克莱分校(UC Berkeley)作为世界一流大学,有着世界顶级的大师,所设课程也都是精品中的精品,紧跟最新科技的进展。本站推出的美国一流大学电子、射频、通信精品视频课程套装,让您足不出户就能一睹世界一流大学大师教学的风采;聆听大师的声音、拓展国际化的视野、与国际水平看齐、实现自我价值的提升。
This course covers the fundamental circuit and device concepts needed to understand analog integrated circuits. After an overview of the basic properties of semiconductors, the p-n junction and MOS capacitors are described and the MOSFET is modeled as a large-signal device. Two port small-signal amplifiers and their realization using single stage and multistage CMOS building blocks are discussed. Sinusoidal steady-state signals are introduced and the techniques of phasor analysis are developed, including impedance and the magnitude and phase response of linear circuits. The frequency responses of single and multi-stage amplifiers are analyzed. Differential amplifiers are introduced.
An electronics laboratory is part of the course. Using and understanding electronics laboratory equipment such as: oscilloscope, power supplies, function generator, multimeter, curve-tracer, and RLC meter. Includes a term project of constructing a circuit with appropriate electromechanical device.
Fundamentals of Microelectronics by Behzad Razavi, Wiley Press, January 2008.
To provide a basic understanding of semiconductor devices and analog integrated circuits.