• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:基于复合左右手传输线的原理,设计了一款新型超宽带滤波器,结构简单且尺寸只有0.5 cm×1.5 cm,左手电容是由微带线结构耦合形成,左手电感由接地短截线形成.通过仿真结果与实物测试可知超宽带滤波器的带宽为3.3~10.2 GHz,插入损耗小于1dB,回波损耗小于-12.5 dB.该滤波器可用于超宽带无线通信系统中.

Abstract:An ultra-wide-band (UWB) filter based on composite right/left handed transmission line (CRLH TL) was presented.The structure of the proposed filter was quite simple,and the size was 0.5 cm×1.5 cm.Left-handed capacitor was obtained by couple of microstrip lines,and left-handed inductance was obtained by the grounded stub.The simulated results and the sample test indicate that the pass band of the filter is 3.3-10.2 GHz,the insertion loss is less than 1 dB and the return loss is smaller than-12.5dB.The performances of the filter can meet the requirement of UWB communication systems.

作者:李亭亭, 丁德渝, 李国新, 潘武,

关键词:超宽带, 滤波器, 复合左右手传输线, 等效介电常数, 等效磁导率, 微带线

学习掌握微波滤波器设计,敬请关注: 微波滤波器设计培训课程


