• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Abstract:Using stepped impedance resonators (SIR) as a basic resonator unit of cavity iflter, a cross-coupling dual-band cavity iflter is designed based on frequency transformation. According to the iflter speciifcations, the design parameters of dual-band iflter are calculated using frequency transformation. A model of SIR cross-coupling dual-band cavity iflter is then established and simulated by the 3D simulation software HFSS. Simulation results show good agreement with the result of schematic circuit in ADS, indicating that the method is valid and feasible. The simulation shows that the iflter size is signiifcantly reduced, while the restrain ability of stop-band is enhanced due to cross coupling. Thus the requirements of small size and good stop-band performance of the iflter are met.

作者:寇鑫, 肖中银, 黄春艳, 李好, 储君君,

关键词:腔体滤波器, 阶跃阻抗谐振器, 双通带, 频率变换, 交叉耦合

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上一篇:用μwave Wizard软件设计腔体交指滤波器

