• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:本文使用主动空间映射算法对基片集成波导滤波器的快速设计进行研究。在对滤波器结构进行分析的基础上,使用HFSS 和 ADS 软件分别建立了其电磁场全波分析模型和等效电路模型,并将之用于空间映射方法所需的精确仿真和粗糙仿真。通过利用等效电路模型,对反映模型参数映射关系的参数进行了提取。整个设计过程仅用了少数几次精确仿真和粗糙仿真,就可以较好地到达设计指标。同常规设计方法相比,该方法可以对具有大规模变量的高阶滤波器进行设计,并且可以显著减少设计时间。作为应用实例,分别对 X 波段五阶和十阶带通滤波器进行了快速设计,并通过实验对五阶带通滤波器进行了验证,有力地证明了本文所提出方法的正确性和有效性。

Abstract:A fast designing method using aggressive space mapping algorithm is introduced in this paper for the design of substrate integrated waveguide filters.Electromagnetic full wave and circuit simulation models are set up by using HFSS and ADS,which are adopted for fine and coarse simulation models for the space mapping algorithm,respectively.Mapping relationship between physical geometries and circular elements is established by extracting parameters from the circuit models.The proposed method can be used to design high order substrate integrated waveguide filters that have a large number of geometric variables with a short designing circle.Compared to the conventional designing method,the proposed method is remarkably time-reducing.To verify the reliability and high efficiency of the proposed method,X-band five-pole and ten-pole bandpass filters are designed for il-lustration,and experiment results on the five-pole bandpass filter agree well with the simulation ones.

作者:霍新平, 郝张成,

关键词:空间映射, 基片集成波导, 优化, 参数提取

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