• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:设计了一种具有高隔离度的八通道光子晶体滤波器,并应用时域有限差分法分析计算了在晶格常数相同的条件下,点缺陷微腔局域频率与光子晶体介质柱半径之间的变化规律。在此基础上,对该八通道滤波器的传输特性进行了仿真。结果表明,晶格常数取540nm时,该滤波器各信道的中心频率在1 510~1 580nm,信道间隔小于9.5nm,信道间隔离度均大于35dB。

Abstract:A novel eight-channel 2-D photonic crystal filter with high channel isolation is presented.The influence of photonic crystal medium column radius on the frequency characteristics of point defect microcavity with fixed lattice constant(540 nm) is analyzed by using the FDTD method.The conclusion of the coupling frequency increasing with medium column radius is obtained.In addition,the transmission characteristics of the eight-channel filter are simulated.Results demonstrate that the filtering wavelength is in the range of 1 510-1 580 nm,which coincide with the optical communication system.And the neighboring channel interval is less than 9.5 nm and the channel isolation is above 35 dB.

作者:刘文楷, 李保群, 董小伟, 武梦龙,

关键词:光子晶体, 光滤波器, 时域有限差分法(FDTD), 信道隔离度

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