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Ansoft HFSS 介绍

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Ansoft HFSS,是Ansoft公司推出的三维电磁仿真软件;是世界上第一个商业化的三维结构电磁场仿真软件,业界公认的三维电磁场设计和分析的电子设计工业标准。HFSS提供了一简洁直观的用户设计界面、精确自适应的场解器、拥有空前电性能分析能力的功能强大后处理器,能计算任意形状三维无源结构的S参数和全波电磁场。HFSS软件拥有强大的天线设计功能,它可以计算天线参量,如增益、方向性、远场方向图剖面、远场3D图和3dB带宽;绘制极化特性,包括球形场分量、圆极化场分量、Ludwig第三定义场分量和轴比。使用HFSS,可以计算:① 基本电磁场数值解和开边界问题,近远场辐射问题;② 端口特征阻抗和传输常数;③ S参数和相应端口阻抗的归一化S参数;④ 结构的本征模或谐振解。而且,由Ansoft HFSS和Ansoft Designer构成的Ansoft高频解决方案,是目前唯一以物理原型为基础的高频设计解决方案,提供了从系统到电路直至部件级的快速而精确的设计手段,覆盖了高频设计的所有环节
• 3D full-wave electromagnetic-field simulation and analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM))
• Tangential vector finite elements for elimination of spurious modes
• Adaptive Lanczos Pade Sweep (ALPS) for fast frequency sweeps
• Inclusion of skin effect, loss, and frequency dependence
• Pushbutton 3D S, Y and Z matrix parasitic extraction
• Solution data
• S-parameters (single-ended, differential, de-embedding, and renormalization)
• Far-field calculation (2D, 3D, gain, angular beam width, etc.)
• Port mode and impedance calculation by 2D-eigenmode solver
• SAR calculation
• Mode conversion
• Material losses
• Radiation losses
• Model healing, resolution, and fault-tolerant meshing for streamlining geometry/CAD reuse
• Automatic adaptive mesh generation and refinement
• Full-wave Spice™ (cost option) equivalent broadband circuit models
• HSpice®, PSpice®, Spectre® RF, and MATLAB® compatible
• Data display/result visualization
• S-, Y-, Z-parameter matrix, XY (2D) plots
• Smith charts
• Port Surface characteristic impedance
• Differential S-parameter
• TDR display
• 3D static and animated field plots on any surface
• Current, Electric Field, Magnetic Field
• Radiation Pattern, Emissions Test
• Vector display, Magnitude display
• Integrated optimization/parametric solutions (cost option)
• Geometry and material parametrization
• Create N-dimensional data plots (family of curves, shaded contours) for parametric sweep results
• Optimization, sensitivity, and statistical analysis
• Distributed Analysis (cost option)for parallel computing
• Dynamic links to Ansoft products:
• Ansoft Designer®/Nexxim® for circuit and system simulation of microwave, analog/RF, and high-speed digital designs
• SIwave™ for EMI/EMC analyses
• Maxwell® 3D for ferrite devices
• AnsoftLinks™ (cost option) for import of Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, and Zuken layout
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