• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
首页 > HFSS > HFSS使用问答 > HFSS仿真过程中停在那里不动是什么原因?


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我在HFSS仿真过程中出现了以下这个问题:信息栏也没有出现有错误的信息,但是仿真就是停在那里不动,不知道是什么原因,有知道的大侠没有解释一下!注意进程栏下面的“Surface recovery”是什么意思?










antenna_03 (E:/ansoft-hfss/1/)
[info] Translation Info: Log of translation is in E:/ansoft-hfss/1/antenna_xlation.log (3:06 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Boundary Setup: An excitation must be defined in order to solve driven problems. (3:35 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Solution Setup: No solution setups have been created. (3:35 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Mesh generation has failed. Specific details may be found in 3D Modeler>Model Analysis>Show Analysis Dialog>Last Simulation Mesh. (3:47 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (3:47 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Mesh generation has failed. Specific details may be found in 3D Modeler>Model Analysis>Show Analysis Dialog>Last Simulation Mesh. (3:50 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (3:50 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Mesh generation has failed. Specific details may be found in 3D Modeler>Model Analysis>Show Analysis Dialog>Last Simulation Mesh. (3:52 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (3:52 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Mesh generation has failed. Specific details may be found in 3D Modeler>Model Analysis>Show Analysis Dialog>Last Simulation Mesh. (3:55 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (3:55 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[warning] Boundary 'FiniteCond1': Assignment has changed due to geometry modifications. (4:05 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[warning] Geometry deletion/modification caused the mesh operation: 'Length1' to be rendered invalid. The mesh operation has been deleted as a result. (4:05 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[warning] Boundary 'FiniteCond1': Assignment has changed due to geometry modifications. (4:06 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[warning] Geometry deletion/modification caused the mesh operation: 'Length2' to be rendered invalid. The mesh operation has been deleted as a result. (4:06 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Initial mesh, process mesh3d died unexpectedly. (4:07 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (4:07 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Initial mesh, process mesh3d died unexpectedly. (4:08 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (4:08 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Initial mesh, process mesh3d died unexpectedly. (4:09 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (4:09 ?ときる 20, 2009)
[warning] Geometry deletion/modification caused the mesh operation: 'Length2' to be rendered invalid. The mesh operation has been deleted as a result. (4:11 ?ときる 20, 2009)


低频的高频的网格数有什么区别?我是新手 望指教:9de


:9de 好象 高频的和有大电导率的都会分较多的网格 有高手能讲一下吗


我在用Fast sweep方法仿真时也正出现这样的问题,改用interpolating sweep方式好像可以仿真下去,但结果好像不太一致,不知道怎么办,




下一篇:hfss 10 分析和仿真问题

