- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
HFSS15: Controlling the Selection in Multi Mode
You can control the behavior of this mode by clicking Edit>Select Multi Mode Settings. This displays a dialog with check boxes for Object, Face, Edge, and Vertex. Unchecking a box cancels the selection behavior for that category.
You can also control the behavior of this mode by clicking the icons for Object, Face, Edge, and Vertex to the right of the Multi mode selection menu. To add the Multi Mode selection menu and icons to the toolbar:
1. Select Tools>Customize.
This displays the Customize dialog with the Toolbars tab selected.
2. Select 3D Modeler Selection mode from the toolbars list by checking it.
This adds the Mode selection menu and icons to the toolbar.
You can also add the Mode selection menus from the Commands tab by selecting 3D Modeler Selection from the Category list, and dragging the icons to the toolbar.
3. When Multi is selected as the mode, you can enable or disable Object, Face, Edge, or Vertex selection by clicking the associated icon.
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