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HFSS15: Importing Plot Data

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The Report2D> Import Data command lets you import plot data from comma delimited files (.csv) tab delimited files (.tab) or Ansoft Plot Data files (*.dat). You need to have a report open for the Report2D menu to appear.

1. On the HFSS menu click Report2D>Import Data.

This displays a file browser window.

2. Use the Look In feature, or the icons to navigate to the file location.

3. Specify the file name in the file name field, or select the file from those listed in the current directory.

4. The file format field contains a drop-down menu listing the formats you can import. These include comma delimited files (.csv) tab delimited files (.tab) or Ansoft Plot Data files (*.dat).

5. Click Open to import the file into the currently open Report.

The imported traces appear in the Project tree under the current report.

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下一篇:Important Geometry Options for CAD Integration

