- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
HFSS15: HFSS-IE Getting Started Guides
The HFSS-IE installation includes the following getting started examples:
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Getting Started with HFSS-IE: An RCS Test model.<script Language="JScript">function parser(fn) {var X, Y, sl, a, ra, link;ra = /:/;a = location.href.search(ra);if (a == 2)X = 14;elseX = 7;sl = "\";Y = location.href.lastIndexOf(sl) + 1; link = 'file:///' + location.href.substring(X, Y) + fn;location.href = link;}</script>
This Getting Started guide is written for HFSS-IE beginners as well as experienced users who are using HFSS for the first time. This manual guides you through the setup, solution, and analysis a simple radar cross section (RCS) problem. By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to perform the following tasks in HFSS-IE:
Draw the geometric models.
Add the Excitation
Specify solution setting for the design.
Run HFSS-IE simulations.
Create the geometry setups for infinite spheres.
Create plots for RCS.
By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to setup RCS problems.
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Getting Started with HFSS-IE: A Monocone Antenna.<script Language="JScript">function parser(fn) {var X, Y, sl, a, ra, link;ra = /:/;a = location.href.search(ra);if (a == 2)X = 14;elseX = 7;sl = "\";Y = location.href.lastIndexOf(sl) + 1; link = 'file:///' + location.href.substring(X, Y) + fn;location.href = link;}</script>
This Getting Started guide is written for HFSS-IE beginners as well as experienced users who are using HFSS for the first time. This manual guides you through the setup, solution, and analysis a simple monocone antenna problem. By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to perform the following tasks in HFSS-IE:
Draw the geometric models.
Add the excitation and infinite ground plane.
Specify solution setting for the design.
Run HFSS-IE simulation.
Create the geometry setups for infinite spheres.
Create a plot for the radiation pattern.
By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to setup HFSS-IE antenna problems.
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