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HFSS15: HFSS Transient Getting Started Guides
The HFSS Transient installation includes the following getting started examples.
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Getting Started with HFSS:Transient Horn Antenna.<script Language="JScript">function parser(fn) {var X, Y, sl, a, ra, link;ra = /:/;a = location.href.search(ra);if (a == 2)X = 14;elseX = 7;sl = "\";Y = location.href.lastIndexOf(sl) + 1; link = 'file:///' + location.href.substring(X, Y) + fn;location.href = link;}</script>
This Getting Started guide is written for HFSS Transient beginners as well as experienced users who are using HFSS for the first time. This manual guides you through the setup, solution, and analysis of a transient horn antenna problem. By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to perform the following tasks in HFSS:
Import the model
Add the boundaries and the excitation
Specify solution setting for the design.
Run HFSS Transient simulations.
View reports
Create the geometry setups for infinite spheres.
Create field plots.
By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to setup transient antenna problems.
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