- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
HFSS15: IPropertyList Abstract class
AllProperties (IEnumerable<IProperty> - see IProperty)
NumProperties (int)
GetProperty(string propName): Returns a named property as an IProperty.
GetMenuProperty (string propName): Returns the named property as an IMenuProperty.
GetTextProperty (string propName): Returns the named property as an ITextProperty
GetNumberProperty (string propName): Returns the named property as an INumberProperty
DeleteProperty (string propName): Deletes an already added named property
AddNumberProperty(string name, string numberWithUnits): Adds a new number property. If a property with the same name already exists, it is overwritten.
AddTextProperty(string name, string textValue): Adds a new named text property with the supplied value. Any existing property with the same name is overwritten.
AddMenuProperty(string name, IList<string> menuChoices): Creates a new named menu property with the supplied list of choices. The default selection is set to item 0 (the first item). Any property with the same name is overwritten.
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