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HFSS15: Setting DSO Configurations Using UpdateRegistry
Generally, the Analysis Options tab of the General Options dialog should be used to edit DSO configuration information, as the GUI ensures that the data written to the registry has the correct format. The command line tool UpdateRegistry may also be used to remove, add or change the DSO configuration information in the registry. Care should be taken when using the UpdateRegistry tool to edit DSO configuration information in the registry, because minor typographical errors may cause the DSO configuration information in the registry to be invalid.
In the R14 release, the UpdateRegistry tool may only be used to edit the first 21 DSO configurations stored in the registry. That is, the registry settings Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item0 through Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item20 may be edited using the UpdateRegistry tool, but settings Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item21, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item22, etc. may not be edited using the UpdateRegistry tool. This restriction is removed in R14.5 Preview 3; any number of DSO configurations may be changed, added or removed using the UpdateRegistry tool.
Example 1
For this example, the configuration consists of two hosts specified by IP addresses and We decide to run four COM engines on each of these hosts because each host has four cores. Thus, each host appears in the list four times. All entries are enabled. The configuration name is config1.
Configuration string:
$begin 'config1' $begin '' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' $end '' $end 'config1'
Example 2
For this example, the configuration consists of four hosts with UNC names \host_1, \host_2, \host_3 and \host_4. Hosts \host_1 and \host_2 are about twice as powerful as the other hosts, so they are placed in the list two times each. Host \host_3 is temporarily offline, so it is disabled; all other entries are enabled. The configuration name is config2.
Configuration string:
$begin 'config2' $begin '' '\\host_1'='true' '\\host_1'='true' '\\host_2'='true' '\\host_2'='true' '\\host_3'='false' '\\host_4'='true' $end '' $end 'config2'
Example 3
For this example, the configuration consists of five hosts with fully qualified domain names host_a.ansys.com, host_b.ansys.com, host_c.ansys.com, host_d.ansys.com and host_e.ansys.com. All hosts have slightly different configurations. The order from most powerful to least powerful is: host_a.ansys.com, host_b.ansys.com, host_c.ansys.com, host_d.ansys.com, host_e.ansys.com. We use this order in the configuration, so that the most powerful host(s) are selected first. The configuration name is config3.
Configuration string:
$begin 'config3' $begin '' 'host_a.ansys.com'='true' 'host_b.ansys.com'='true' 'host_c.ansys.com'='true' 'host_d.ansys.com'='true' 'host_e.ansys.com'='true' $end '' $end 'config3'
Example: Replacing DSO Configurations in the Registry Using UpdateRegistry
For this example, we assume that there are already four DSO configurations set in the registry, and we want to replace these DSO configurations with the DSO configurations in Examples 1, 2 and 3 above.
Because there are initially four DSO configurations set in the registry, the registry setting Desktop/DSOConfigurations/NumItems will have an integer value of 4. The registry will contain settings for Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item0, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item1, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item2, and Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item3. There will be no settings in the registry for Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item4, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item5, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item6, ....
Because we want to replace these four DSO configurations by the three configurations in Examples, 1, 2, and 3 above, we need to make the following changes:
1. Change the number of DSO configurations from 4 to 3. That is, the registry setting Desktop/DSOConfigurations/NumItems must be changed from 4 to 3.
2. Replace the first three DSO configurations with the DSO configurations in Examples 1, 2, and 3 above. That it, registry settings Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item0, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item1, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item2 must be changed.
3. Remove the fourth DSO configuration, because the initial state had four DSO configurations, but the final state has only three DSO configurations. That is, the registry setting Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item3 must be removed.
The following UpdateRegistry commands may used used to accomplish these steps:
1. Change registry setting Desktop/DSOConfigurations/NumItems from 4 to 3:
UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/NumItems -RegistryValue 3 -RegistryLevel user_machine
2. Change registry settings Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item0, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item1, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item2 to represent the DSO configurations in Examples 1, 2 and 3 above:
UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item0 -RegistryValue "$begin 'config1' $begin '' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' $end '' $end 'config1'" -RegistryLevel user_machine
UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item1 -RegistryValue "$begin 'config2' $begin '' '\\host_1'='true' '\\host_1'='true' '\\host_2'='true' '\\host_2'='true' '\\host_3'='false' '\\host_4'='true' $end '' $end 'config2'" -RegistryLevel user_machine
UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item2 -RegistryValue "$begin 'config3' $begin '' 'host_a.ansys.com'='true' 'host_b.ansys.com'='true' 'host_c.ansys.com'='true' 'host_d.ansys.com'='true' 'host_e.ansys.com'='true' $end '' $end 'config3'" -RegistryLevel user_machine
3. Remove registry setting Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item3:
UpdateRegistry -Delete -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item3 -RegistryLevel user_machine
These changes may be done in any order, but if any steps are omitted (or entered incorrectly) the registry may be left in an inconsistent state.
Example: Adding DSO Configurations to the Registry Using UpdateRegistry
For this example, we assume that there are already two DSO configurations set in the registry, and we want to add the DSO configurations in Examples 1, 2 and 3 above. We do not want to change or remove the existing DSO configurations. In the initial state, the registry contains two DSO configurations. In the final state, the registry contains five DSO configurations.
Because there are initially two DSO configurations set in the registry, the registry setting Desktop/DSOConfigurations/NumItems will have an integer value of 2. The registry will contain settings for Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item0 and Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item1. There will be no settings in the registry for Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item2, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item3, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item4, ....
To add the three configurations in Examples, 1, 2, and 3 above to the registry, we need to make the following changes:
1. Change the number of DSO configurations from 2 to 5. That is, the registry setting Desktop/DSOConfigurations/NumItems must be changed from 2 to 5.
2. Add the three DSO configurations in Examples 1, 2, and 3 above to the registry. That it, registry settings Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item2, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item3, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item4 must be added.
The registry settings Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item0 and Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item1 will not be changed.
The following UpdateRegistry commands may used used to accomplish these steps:
1. Change registry setting Desktop/DSOConfigurations/NumItems from 2 to 5:
UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/NumItems -RegistryValue 5 -RegistryLevel user_machine
2. Add registry settings Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item2, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item3, Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item4 to represent the DSO configurations in Examples 1, 2 and 3 above:
UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item2 -RegistryValue "$begin 'config1' $begin '' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' ''='true' $end '' $end 'config1'" -RegistryLevel user_machine
UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item3 -RegistryValue "$begin 'config2' $begin '' '\\host_1'='true' '\\host_1'='true' '\\host_2'='true' '\\host_2'='true' '\\host_3'='false' '\\host_4'='true' $end '' $end 'config2'" -RegistryLevel user_machine
UpdateRegistry -Set -ProductName HFSS14.0 -RegistryKey Desktop/DSOConfigurations/Item4 -RegistryValue "$begin 'config3' $begin '' 'host_a.ansys.com'='true' 'host_b.ansys.com'='true' 'host_c.ansys.com'='true' 'host_d.ansys.com'='true' 'host_e.ansys.com'='true' $end '' $end 'config3'" -RegistryLevel user_machine
These changes may be done in any order, but if any steps are omitted (or entered incorrectly) the registry may be left in an inconsistent state.
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