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HFSS15: Specifying Single Frequency Points

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For Discrete sweeps.

To specify Single Frequency points:

1. In the Edit Sweep dialog box, click Single Points in the Type pull-down list.

The Frequency setup changes to single point mode.

2. In the Single text box, type a desired frequency point, and then select the frequency units.

This enables the Insert button.

3. Click Insert.

The point is added to the Frequency column to the right.

A check mark in the Save Fields column indicates that the fields for the point will be saved. Optionally, click the check box in the Save Fields column.

4. Repeat steps 2 - 4 for each frequency point you want to solve.

For Discrete sweeps, HFSS always solves the frequencies from highest to lowest.

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上一篇:Solving a Single Setup or Sweep
下一篇:Specifying a Solution Quantity for an Output Parameter

