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HFSS15: Solution Types

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Driven Modal Solution

Choose the Driven Modal solution type when you want HFSS to calculate the modal-based S-parameters of passive, high-frequency structures such as microstrips, waveguides, and transmission lines. The S-matrix solutions will be expressed in terms of the incident and reflected powers of waveguide modes. Network Analysis is the default and functions as before.

Composite Excitation provides a method for solving fields in a large frequency domain problem.

Driven Terminal Solution

Choose the Driven Terminal solution type when you want HFSS to calculate the terminal-based S-parameters of single and multi-conductor transmission line ports. The S-matrix solutions will be expressed in terms of voltages and currents on the terminals. Network Analysis is the default and functions as before.

Composite Excitation provides a method for solving fields in a large frequency domain problem.

Eigenmode Solution

Choose the Eigenmode solution type to calculate the eigenmodes, or resonances, of a structure. The Eigenmode solver finds the resonant frequencies of the structure and the fields at those resonant frequencies.

Transient Solution

For calculating problems in the time domain. It employs a time-domain (“transient”) solver. Selecting Transient enables radio buttons for Network Analysis or Composite Excitation.

Transient Network Analysis solution types - excitations are identical on all active ports and are simulated one at a time to facilitate the data collection.Your choice affects the options for the setup. If you select Network Analysis the setup includes an Input Signal tab for the simulation.

Composite Excitation solution types - Different ports can have different excitations. All Active excitations are launched in one simulation.

Typical Transient applications include, but are not limited to: Simulations with pulsed excitations, such as ultra-wideband antennas, lightning strikes, electro-static discharge; field visualization employing short-duration excitations; time-domain reflectometry.

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