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HFSS15: Setting the Order of Basis Functions
You can change the basis functions HFSS uses to interpolate field values from nodal values.
Under the Options tab of the Solution Setup dialog box, select Order of Basis.
This can be First Order (the default), Zero Order, Second Order, or Mixed order.
Setting the Order of Basis functions affects the default value of the Lambda Refinement in the Solution setups as follows.

Zero order: | driven 0.1, | eigenmode 0.1 |
First order: | driven 0.3333, | eigenmode 0.2 (as is) |
Second order: | driven 0.6667, | eigenmode 0.4 |
Mixed order | driven 0.6667 | eigenmode 0.6667 |
The Zero order option is useful when a model requires a mesh that produces more than 100,000 tetrahedra, but the model size is small compared to wavelength. The higher order options solve progressively more unknowns for each tetrahedra. Mixed order uses higher order where more accuracy is required, and lower order where fields are weaker.
Warning | If you select Zero Order Solution Basis, all tetrahedra in the model must have edge lengths less than 1/20th wavelength. Thus, this option is usually selected in combination with a specific lambda refinement setting. |
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