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今天算了个算例,结果到adaptive past 9的时候,出错了,显示“adaptive solution, process solver: insufficient memory”,应该是内存不足。网上查了一下,原因大体上有两种:
另外,想再问问,计算的时候,Discrete Sweep,Fast Sweep,Interpolating Sweep哪个计算量小?还有,tools-options-hfss options里的内存大小值有什么作用?




fast sweep算得比较快,结果也较准。
Discrete Sweep是最准的,但是时间累加很大。
Interpolating Sweep没用过,似乎算起来也比较快,但是精度无保证吧。


你的内存有4G是没错,但是windows xp只认2G啊,呵呵。换64bit或是win7就估计好些了


So you drew the structure that you want to simulate, but which sweep should you use? As seen in Fig. 1, HFSS has three types of sweeps; discrete, fast, and interpolating. Depending on your frequency bandwidth and processing power (i.e. how long you are willing to wait for simulation completion), the most appropriate sweep can be chosen.
Discrete Sweep
The discrete sweep is the most accurate since it resolves the problem at each frequency point in your frequency bandwidth. However, it is the slowest and the adaptive frequency should be set at the higher limit of your bandwidth or at the frequency where the wavelength is smallest.
Fast Sweep
The fast sweep requires less simulation time than the discrete sweep but at the expense of a limited frequency bandwidth range and reduced accuracy. The adaptive frequency should be set within the center of your frequency bandwidth and should coincide within the pass-band of your structure. Typically, the bandwidth is should be 68 GHz; if your adaptive frequency is 5 GHz, your frequency sweep can go from 1 GHz to 9 GHz.
Interpolating Sweep
The interpolating sweep is the fastest, but the least accurate sweep. In addition, the field data cannot be saved for the frequency range and therefore has limited post processing attributes. The frequency bandwidth can be wideband, but the adaptive frequency has to be set high. The interpolating sweep basically does a curve fit and should be used for non-resonant structures.
从上面来看,速度上是Discrete Sweep<fast sweep < Interpolating Sweep啊,当然,准确度刚好相反。另外,说Interpolating sweep通常计算带宽非常大的情况,不知道这个带宽非常大有没有个大约值。


另外,选择3种sweep时,solution frequency分别应该怎么选取?


“Windows XP只认2 GB内存”这个说法从何而来?32位操作系统的存储读取上限是 2 ^ 32 = 4294967296 (byte) = 4 (Gbyte)。超过4 GB的存储读取才需要64位操作系统,不是么?


我一般使用fast sweep,Interpolating Sweep帮助里说的可以更好的计算宽频段的,没用过,不知道好不好用。


把 HFSS 升级到12.1 , 里面有个mixed order, 可以省点内存





