- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
IF 您對 FEKO 不是很了解,或是模型的位置非常的清楚,不建議您在 EDIT 理做模型的混和,建議您還是在 CADFEKO 完成模型的部分。
接下來回到重點.. IF 您還是覺得要解決您的問題。您就得去察看每一個交疊的模型是哪在元件(他都是有編號的),然後去 POSTFEKO find 那些 有問題的編號,直到你的模型可以執行。
還是建議在 CADFEKO 完成模型的部分。
這是關鍵...請輸出如下格式...這是可以到 CADFEKO 裡的
Import --> Mesh --> ANSYS CDB file
Import ANSYS CDB file
PREFEKO also supports importing geometry from ANSYS *.cdb files. By default, when
exporting such files from ANSYS, the BLOCKED option is used. PREFEKO only understands
this BLOCKED syntax, the UNBLOCKED version is not supported. Also
regarding the element type, only the ANSYS element types 200 (filaments, triangles,
tetrahedral elements, and brick elements) as well as element type 16 (pipe16, wire with
a finite radius) are supported.
The selection of polygonal plates and quadrangles are not supported, but all other (nonselection)
options discussed in the general section of the IN card is supported. It also
supports an additional selection option:
Include cuboidal volume elements: Check this item to include cuboidal elements to be used
with the volume equivalence principle in FEKO.
The component name from the CMBLOCK is converted to the FEKO label. Since the
FEKO label must be an integer value, only component names which are integer strings
(for example, 15) or end with an underscore followed by an integer string (for example,
FEED 7) will be converted to FEKO labels (15 and 7 in the examples above). In all other
cases (for example, for a component name PATCH) the FEKO label will be set to zero.
Note unlike most of the other CAD import formats supported by the IN card, the ANSYS
CDB file makes provision for a wire radius of the segments of type pipe16 (real constant
from the associated RLBLOCK). This is then used during the import and any setting at
the IP card is ignored (the IP card radius is still used for filaments of element type 200).
For dielectric bodies, one must use an ME card to specify the element type and medium
indices. The ANSYS field for the material number cannot be used, since for triangles
FEKO requires two such material indices (medium on each side).
The user can also import points from the ANSYS CDB file similar to importing points
from FEMAP or NASTRAN files. The points defined in the ANSYS CDB file will then
be available in PREFEKO as points (as if they were defined by DP cards) of the form
Cxxx where xxx is the index of the grid point. This may be used, for example, to attach
additional structures to the geometry. In addition, the coordinate values of the points are
available as variables in PREFEKO. For example, the variables #c1234x, #c1234y and
#c1234z are set to the coordinates of the point with index 1234. Note that points are not
included by default.
我大概看到問題的關鍵了.....ANSYS element types 200 好像是都無法考慮結構的問題。
所以一般用 ANSYS 機構的人建模他們都不會去使用ANSYS element types 200 來建模型,或許你可以先嘗試使用 types 200 去建模然後在 ANSYS 裡轉成其他的element types 去作其他的分析,畢竟在ANSYS下你要分析問題都跟element types 有關。
So.... 還是老話一句 .....
這是關鍵...請輸出如下格式...這是可以到 CADFEKO 裡的
Import --> Mesh --> ANSYS CDB file
2. 還有你可以在 CADFEKO 裡面編修網格.....
3. 市面上有很多做網格的工具..也可以幫您解決您的問題.....
Import ANSYS CDB file
PREFEKO also supports importing geometry from ANSYS *.cdb files. By default, when
exporting such files from ANSYS, the BLOCKED option is used. PREFEKO only understands
this BLOCKED syntax, the UNBLOCKED version is not supported. Also
regarding the element type, only the ANSYS element types 200 (filaments, triangles,
tetrahedral elements, and brick elements) as well as element type 16 (pipe16, wire with
a finite radius) are supported.
首先感谢各位大大的指点,在ANSYS里对受到荷载的模型进行结构分析,因为想知道结构变形对电性能的影响,所以怎样才能把变形之后的模型导入到feko中进行电性能计算呢,ANSYS CDB file保存的是未变形的模型吧.
How "把变形之后的模型导入到feko中进行电性能计算呢?"
==> 就是在想辦法把他轉回來阿 Type200 .. 不然應該轉不進來.. 這方面我的經驗不夠... 我前一陣子問過是好像沒辦法..
. 但是我想應該還是有辦法的..應該是有點麻煩
Please 知道有做過這方面的大俠回答..