• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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FEKO Student Competition 2008

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FEKO Student Competition 2008
Announcement of the FEKO student competition 2008
Closing date for entries:
- 26 September 2008
Winner announcement:
- 31 October 2008
FEKO is pleased to announce the 2008 FEKO student competition. This competition is aimed at students who model EM problems in FEKO and simply require them to share some of their research information with the FEKO team.
Your entries should be original innovative work and should clearly demonstrate how you verified your simulation results、either with measurements or by simulating the same problem with other codes.
Please visit our student competition page for more information on how to enter what prizes can be won、or download the entry form for more information.

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