- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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對這個架構... 我有思考了一下。
1. 我有一些問題,漁網部分有幾個週期單元,這是關鍵之一。
2. 在 FEKO 部分,我建議可以用 Wire 來做漁網,而不是用實際的尺寸硬做,這是其他套軟體無法批敵,這部份我覺的是 FEKO的強項。
3. 在 V5.4 版有一個新的方法(periodic boundary condition),假使漁網單元夠多,可以用此方法去粗估出你要的答案。
Analysis of periodic structures in FEKO
This page describes the analysis of periodic structures by way of the periodic boundary condition feature, new to FEKO Suite 5.4.
Feature introductionWith FEKO Suite 5.4 comes a new feature, namely the option to analyse infinite periodic structures. The MoM is used in the periodic analysis, employing a periodic version of the free space Green function, such that a PBC is realized. A typical application of this method is to analyse FSS structures, as will be shown in the validation results to follow.
The PBC feature has the following capabilities:
Periodic boundaries in both one and two dimensions is supported.
In the case of two dimensional periodicity, arbitrary (non-orthogonal) lattice vectors are supported.
The unit cell can include conducting surfaces as well as thin dielectric sheets. Wire segments are not supported at present.
Since the PBC method is based upon the free space Green function, it can be used together with an infinite PEC or PMC plane, but it cannot be used together with dielectric layers.
The geometry of the unit cell may intersect its boundaries (half basis functions are created on the relevant elements in the discretized model), as long as it lines up with the geometry edge on the opposite side of the unit cell.
In the case of solving a radiation problem, the periodic phase shift between cell excitations can be specified.
In the case of solving a scattering problem, the periodic phase shift follows from the incident plane wave definition and cannot be specified independently.
PBC analysis is part of the MoM kernel and can be executed sequentially or in parallel. However, it is not available in conjuction with MLFMM, SEP, VEP, PO, UTD, GO or FEM.
Periodicity in three dimensions is not supported.
These features allow the user to analyse a very large class of problems, though there are some restrictions, as noted.
UsageIn CADFEKO, a PBC analysis is requested via the Define periodic boundary condition dialog under Model in the main menu. The dialog enables the user to:
Choose between one and two dimensional periodicity
Define lattice vector(s)
Define directional phase shifts for local excitations, if applicable
Visualize the PBC's
这个东西挺难 弄得 谁可以做做 给个经验阿
这个版基本咱们仨人 占了
上一篇:feko5.4里optimisation mask的用途