- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
20GHz 抛物面天线
小弟对FEKO几乎一窍不通的呢 最好能提供个完整制作参数设计过程或原文件
FEKO 能用很多数值方法.来计算....你去看一下example25
25 Horn feeding a large reflector
Keywords: Waveguide, horn, reflector, PO, aperture source, spherical mode source, equivalent source, decouple, far field
A cylindrical horn is excited with a waveguide port is used to feed a parabolic reflector at 12.5 GHz. The reflector is electrically large (diameter of 36 wavelengths) and well
separated from the horn. An illustration of the model is shown in figure 25-1. This example illustrates some of the techniques available in FEKO to reduce the requiredresources for electrically large models.
It is very important to understand the problem that is to be solved and the approximations that are being made to reduce the required resources. Some of the techniques that can be employed to reduce the required resources are:
. Use the multilayer fast multipole method (MLFMM) instead of the method of moments (MoM) for electrically large models. The required memory can be reduced considerably by using MLFMM. (The MLFMM solution is used as the reference solution in the results section (25.4).)
. Physical optics (PO) can be used on sub parts of the model. Decoupling the POfrom the MoM further reduces the required resources.
. Subdivide the problem and use an equivalent source. Possible equivalent sources are:
– Aperture source - using the equivalence principle, a region can be replaced by equivalent electric and magnetic field sources on the boundary of the region.
– Spherical modes source - the far field can also be used as an impressed source.
EX.The operating frequency is 20 GHz ... Horn_Reflector_MoM_PO.cfx... 将频率改成20 GHz.就是您要的了
Creating the model
The model is created in two parts, first the horn is created and then the parabolic dish
is created. Start by defining the following variables.
. freq = 12.5e9 (The operating frequency.)
. lam = c0/freq (Free space wavelength.)
. lam w = 0.0293 (The guide wavelength.)
. h a = 0.51*lam (The waveguide radius.)
. h b0 = 0.65*lam (Flare base radius.)
. h b = lam (Flare top radius.)
. h l = 3.05*lam (Flare length.)
. ph centre = -2.6821e-3 (Horn phase centre.)
. R = 18*lam (Reflector radius.)
. F = 25*lam (Reflector focal length.)
. w l = 2*lam w (The waveguide length.)