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8. Variants have been improved. The problem with component variants losing their fitted/not
fitted status has been resolved.
9. Support has been added for the SSH protocol for CVS.
10. The Pads Importer has been updated to now handle Pads Logic and Pads PowerLogic
Schematic ASCII files. The versions supported are V2005.0, V2005.2 of Pads Logic, and
V5.0, V5.2 of Pads PowerLogic.
11. The libraries panel has been improved. Libraries can now be activated and deactivated. In
practice, deactivated libraries are treated as if they have been uninstalled by the rest of the
system. Libraries can also be specified by using relative paths.
12. Basic versioncontrol
support for MatrixOne has been added.
13. Altium Designer no longer reads obsolete settings from the registry.
14. For CVS and SVN all calls to the versioncontrol
executables are now logged into the Output
panel. This feature can be turned off through a preference.
15. Help buttons (with a question mark) have been removed from all wizard captions.
16. Delphi script was behaving incorrectly: Delphi script now correctly restores script state after a
script exception.
17. A crash in the script editor when a script form contains a TListView has been fixed.
18. Now Browse Libraries saves the splitter position and size of all grid columns.
19. Now after you performed a View Desktop Layouts Default, all of the panels will be restored to
their default positions.
20. Altium Designer will now always open maximized if it was closed maximized.
21. The accidental crash which was experienced when editing renamed .c files has been
22. Library report Color
option now always outputs color images: The Use Color checkbox when
creating a library report is now checked by default. If the box is unchecked, footprints are still
displayed in color, but the pads are drawn in draft mode for clarity when printing without color.
23. Incorrect hierarchy level for subsheets:
The projects panel has been improved and the
problem with displaying the structure of several sheets being referenced by a single sheet
symbol has been resolved.
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24. Tool bar positions are now saved properly in between Altium Designer sessions.
25. The bug encountered when linking a newly created Embedded project to an existing FPGA
project has been fixed.
26. Access Violation when executing a process from toolbar: The launching of processes from a
toolbar button has been improved. There is no longer an exception if the parameter string
exceeds 1024 characters.
27. Select PCB Components dialog are sometimes too long: This has been rectified so that now
when user selects Tools|Select PCB components only first 25 components specified and 3
periods added to avoid huge dialogs.
28. When documents are closed using CTRLF4
the storage manager now correctly refocuses the
29. The choose columns dialog in the List panel for schematic and PCB is now resizable.
30. The crash experienced when minimizing, restoring and pressing the F1 key has been
31. The license usage information has been added to the ‘Help, About’ dialog.
32. Version control has been improved. A new batch commit command has been added so that all
modified project documents can be checked in an atomic way.
33. Script documents are now flagged as modified after any form property has been changed.
34. The PADS Importer has been enhanced to handle PADS ASCII libraries. PADS Part libraries
".p", and PADS CAE decal libraries ".c" are translated into Altium Designer Schematic
libraries, and PADS PCB decal libraries are translated into Altium Designer PCB footprint
libraries. Versions supported V5.0, V5.2, V2005.0, and V2005.2.
35. SCH system menu is
sometimes not displayed: In some rare cases the SCH button at the
bottom right of the screen did not appear.
36. Database libraries have been improved. Refreshing database libraries from the libraries panel
now works correctly.
37. A bug in "Save Copy As" has been fixed. It is now impossible to "Save Copy As" over a file
that is already open.
38. The PCB print properties dialog has been improved. The "Print Area" options now obey the
unit system in the PCB.
39. A problem with closing the wrong project when attempting to close a nonsaved
project has
been fixed.
40. Altium Designer now supports reading of PADS PCB files up to version 2005.2.
41. The PCAD
importer has been updated: it is now unnecessary to convert design and library
files to ASCII prior to import. PCAD
Binary files can now be imported directly into Altium
42. A Print preview dialog crash under Windows Vista has been fixed.
43. When a project is created from a template containing external files (such as .Doc files), these
files are no longer automatically opened separately when the project is created.
44. Now Altium Designer can import OrCAD® MAX files from read only files.
45. SmartPDF has been improved. A display of variant information in flat/global designs is now
46. The Libraries Search now has a new Simple search type. In this mode we can always search
by entering a substring.
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47. Library management has been improved. The user can now seamlessly switch between
database libraries, integrated libraries, and source libraries (PCB and schematic libraries) by
controlling how the library and tables names (if applicable) are taken into account.
48. Dragging component from Libraries panel to schematic or PCB document no longer causes an
intermittent crash.
49. The icon in the projects panel has been updated to change from tick to exclamation mark to
indicate 'Out of Date'.
50. In the past, the CircuitMaker 2000 importer did not bring in the input/output connector devices
to Altium Designer schematic document. It has been fixed to convert the input/output devices
to Altium Designer schematic ports.
51. Circuit Maker importer was not adjusting to the workspace size. This occasionally caused
some items to be out of the schematic sheet border. This has now been fixed.
52. The order of sheets in Smart PDF has been improved. Schematic sheets are now ordered
based on Hierarchical Structure then on sheet number. Sheet numbers can be set through
Tools>Number Sheets.
53. Home key in text editor now behaves like in Visual Studio. It now jumps to the first nonspace
character on the line. The second home key will jump to the beginning of the line.
54. Added Window Vista support for updating of Altium Designer.
55. When printing from Print Preview in PDF Creator, all pages are now included in a single PDF
56. Replace network license term to floating license: In this version we are using floating license
instead of network license.
57. The PADS importer has been improved. Singlelayer
pads and blind and buried via diameters
are now imported properly.
58. OrCAD® Importer now correctly handles hierarchical blocks that are mirrored, so that the
sheet entries are oriented and located correctly.
59. Closing the application when the library management homepage is open and focused no
longer causes a crash.
60. Snippets sometimes
thumbnails were not visible immediately. This has been fixed with
updating images when Snippet panel pinned and collapsed.
61. Parametric Hierarchy of UserDefined
Net Classes: Net class generation has been improved.
net classes can now be defined as a parametric hierarchy.
62. References support
opening word documents with component links: Now all components
from Schematic support references to Word documents.
1. Debug Search Paths for embedded projects: This is a new option in embedded project Debug
Search Path. Specify paths to directories, containing source code. This is useful for
source files, which are not part of project, but implicitly included and compiled.
2. Issues with Memory configuration in Embedded Project options dialog: This has been fixed.
'Set to installation defaults' button in embedded project options dialog now correctly works for
'Configure memory' tab.
3. The generating error encountered when compiling an Embedded project if the code contained
"#pragma message" has been resolved.
© 2006 Altium Limited Page 10 of 10
Signal Integrity and Simulation
1. The PSpice resistor has been improved. The Altium Designer parser now processes the
PSpice temperature parameters correctly.
2. Print previewing charts has been improved. The number of plots per page are now displayed
3. The VoltageControlled
Voltage and Current sources have been significantly enhanced. The
PSpice 'FREQ' and 'LAPLACE' keywords can now be used with these devices. The FREQ
parts are described by a table of frequency domain responses in either the magnitude/phase
or complex number format. The LAPLACE parts allow the device characteristics to be
described by a Laplace transform function.
4. SimView Import has been improved. Waveform names are no longer changed to lower case
when a csv file is imported.
5. The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) has been significantly improved. The BJT model
extends the original GummelPoon
model to include quasisaturation
effects, making the
model compatible with the PSpice BJT model.
6. The Access Violation that was occurring if the Comment parameter was deleted or moved
using the Sim Model Editor dialog has been resolved.
7. SimView print preview configuration has been improved. Print preview configuration can now
be carried out from the "Default Prints" menu item on the Schematic or PCB menus without
the system crashing.
CAM Editor
1. The Gerber Export has been corrected to no longer omit the end backslash from the folder
name. This means the Gerber files will be generated in the selected directory.
2. Polygon cutout drawn last in CAMtastic using ODB++ output files will now show when loading
ODB++ databases in CAMtastic, even if the Fill Mode is set to “ON”.
3. ODB++ Duplicate
FIDs found for duplicate tracks in PCB have been corrected. There should
be no duplicate FIDs in the ODB++ eda\data file going forward.
4. ODB++ flipped components were incorrectly rotated, this has been fixed. Any flipped
components rotated nonorthogonally
will now appear with correct angles in Valor or any other
application that loads the ODB++ data.
5. ODB++ some
of the FID entries in the eda\data file refer to wrong feature: Now no FID
entries should refer to wrong features in the layers files.
6. ODB++ generate package contour from component bodies if they exist: Now the ODB
package contour definition will be generated from component bodies if they exist otherwise the
existing way will be used.
7. Special strings using Inverted text will be correctly exported to Gerber/ODB++.
8. ODB++ mid layer names not in order if the layers were swapped in layers stack: Now when
generating ODB++ for a single board the mid layer names will be generated in ascending
order similar with the Gerber output and the outputs for embedded board array.
9. ODB++ sometimes contours in complex polygons are not nested correctly: Now the complex
polygons should appear correctly in Valor and there should be no longer any issues with the
net list compare.

Cadence Allegro 培训套装,视频教学,直观易学


