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首页 > 电子设计 > PCB设计 > Mentor PCB设计问答 > 原理图与pcb连接不上,帮我看看为什么


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                       03:20 PM Monday, December 17, 2007
            Job Name: E:\soft_WG_study\project\demo_pcb\demo_pcb.pcb

Version:  01.01.00

     The PDBs listed in the project file will be searched to satisfy the parts
      requirements of the CDB only for parts not already found in the
      Target PDB.

     The schematic source is a DxDesigner Generic Data Base.

     The AllowAlphaRefDes status indicates that reference
      designators containing all alpha characters should be deleted
      and the relevant symbols repackaged.

     DxDesigner Data Base has been read

     Target PDB Name: Work\Layout_Temp\PartsDB.pdb

     Number of Part Numbers: 1
          Part Numb: RES -> Vend Part: 

     Number of Part Names: 0

     Number of Part Labels: 0

     Checking for value differences between symbol properties and PartsDB properties

     Checking the validity of the packaging of prepackaged schematic
      symbols.  Only the first error in symbols having the same
      Reference Designator will be reported.

     ERROR:  There is no Part Number: RES in the Parts~~~~~~~//这个res是我自己做的中心库的原件
      DataBase for symbols with Part Name:  and Part Label: .
      [Please add the Part Number to the PDB either directly
       or by having the project file point to a PDB that contains it.]
       The relevant symbols are:

INFO Block  Page , Symbol $1I5: Symbol location.

INFO Block  Page , Symbol $1I4: Symbol location.

INFO Block  Page , Symbol $1I3: Symbol location.

INFO Block  Page , Symbol $1I2: Symbol location.

INFO Block  Page , Symbol $1I1: Symbol location.

     1 packaging error has been found.
      For those errors that only involve the application of wrong
      pin numbers, either repackage the schematic by hand or
      simply remove at least one pin number per reference designator
      to enable automatic packaging when you run this
      procedure again.

     DataBase Load is being terminated with 1 errors and 0 warnings.
      Logic Data has NOT been Compiled.







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