• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养

discussions on wg

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hello everyone, the following words are for your references, good luck...


open the "lace Parts and Cells" window through the "lace\Place Parts and Cells" menu, check the "Unplaced" box and switch to "Res Def" list in "Criterion". then your cells will be listed in the Criterion List box.

“Back annotation has disabled.
Cannot run Back Annotation. The logic database does not exist. Run Forward Annotation to create the logic database.
it is due to the isolation of the PCB file to your Project, or maybe your start your design from other Schmetic Capture but not from WG Design Capture. to the former cause, just link your PCB file to the Project by "Setup\Project Integretion" menu. for the latter, just ignore it and never try to realize back annotation.

调入网络表时,back annotation出错,让去看此文件。我能找到的怎麽是去年修改的?

just select "File\File Viewer" menu and locate the "ForwardAnnotation.txt" file.

Enter "Schmetic Cross Probe" status.
1. Make sure of the datas integretion between PCB and SCHMETIC firstly, run "Back Annotation" or "Foward Annotation" to achieve it.
2. Activate the Cross Probe function, use "Setup\Cross Probe" menu and check all the options in the "Cross Probe Configuration" window.
3. Invoke DC through the "Setup/Design Entry" menu in the Expedition PCB environment.
4. Focus Expedition PCB, swith to "LACE MODE", and choose the "LACE/PLACE PARTS AND CELLS" menu. Well then, select the "Schmetic Cross Probe" list in the Criterion list box.
5. Notice that when you select a symbol in the Schmetic board, the corresponding cell will be fit to view in the PCB board. it is the same contrarily.
Just follow the above steps, that's OK.

surely it has the ability. referring the following process...
1. select the "Setup\Net Classes and Clearances" menu, in the Net Classes page, create a new net class in the Net Class list.
2. input the trace-width-range in the "Width & Impedance By Layer" list box, there is several values for you to feed, including "Minimum Width", "Typical Width", "Expansion Width". Click OK to confirm.
3. Open "Net Properties" window by "Setup\Net Properties" menu and assign the "Net Class" to the Net you want to route by Multi-Width in "Net Rules\Net Order\Net Class" list box. Clice OK to confirm.
4. Use "Setup\Editor Control\Routes\Pad Entry & expansion" option to setup the mode of Multi--width, do remember to chect the "Expansion traces width" option box.
well, try it pls.
by the way, sometimes your multi-width routing fails out of the rules of "Trace to Pad Clearance", just modify it providing the modification makes no difference to your design. use the "Setup\Net Classes and Clearances\Clearances\Clearance Rules for Net" list, adjust the "Trace to Pad" values in different layers to meet your need...
do it if needed...

我想问一下有没有WG2002 PCB和原理图的快捷键列表呀?

in the Design Capture, you can define the shortcut keys yourself by "Tools\Customize\Accelerators" path.
in Expedition PCB environment, you can use F1-F12 or simply drag and drop to realize many functions through.

firstly, definite power net in a layer through "Setup\Setup Parameters\Planes", and then place "lane shape" to specify areas of different power nets. that's ok.


generally, WG will annotate all the parts in your design automatically, both in Design Capture and in ExpeditionPCB, while improting to PCB environment. surely you can annotate them manually, just refer the following steps:
1. invoke the Design Capture environment, and open the Project Settings window through "roject\Settings".
2. swith to "File Location" page, pull down the Configuration list box and select "roject Options" item, notice that contents in the "File search order" turn to "C:\Mentor\WG2002\VBDC\config\vbdc\vbdcsys.asc", well then open the "vbdcsys.asc" file with the "Edit File" button on the up-right. in the text file, you should find the parameter "REF_DES_INCR", whose default value is "No", and change the value into "Yes", save it and exit.
3. quit design capture and restart it again, and then you will have made it....
try it please...

为什么每次出完网络表以后,从PCB调入都会出现有问题,(Back annotation has been disabled--------,)为什么每次都出现这个问题,有没有什么办法可以不要出现这个问题。

there are so many possible causes to your trouble that is utterly impossible to specify which one is the key error, but personally i propose you to pay more attention on PDBs. just check your symbols to find out if all the symbols own the needed cells.

在expedition 中如何做全局修改?
在expedition 中如何做全局修改? 比如修改全部电阻的大小等属性.
do you mean the value of resistors? just modify it in the design capture and run a foward annotation...

那位能讲讲在expedition PCB和 Design Capture之间如何交互布局?
Enter "Schmetic Cross Probe" status.
1. Make sure of the datas integretion between PCB and SCHMETIC firstly, run "Back Annotation" or "Foward Annotation" to achieve it.
2. Invoke DC through the "Setup/Design Entry" menu in the Expedition PCB environment.
3. Focus Expedition PCB, swith to "LACE MODE", and choose the "LACE/PLACE PARTS AND CELLS" menu, check the "Unplaced" box. Well then, select the "Schmetic Cross Probe" list in the Criterion list box.
4. Notice that the corresponding symbols in the DC board differs by color between placed and unplaced cells. Just clice one of the unplace symbols in the schmetic board and move the mouse to the PCB board, and then the clicked symbol appears as PCB cell, well now, you can place it. That is, place cells to PCB board from DC environment.
Just follow the above steps, that's OK.


Cadence Allegro 培训套装,视频教学,直观易学

上一篇:下载 EE2007

