• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养


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                       09:11 PM Wednesday, March 18, 2009
              Job Name: F:\新建文件夹 (2)\rfsdfdsfsf\rfsdfdsfsf.prj

     Packager     Version: 020806.00
        Commandline is: "C:\MentorGraphics\2007EE\SDD_HOME\wg\win32\bin\Package.exe -j"F:\新建文件夹 (2)\rfsdfdsfsf\rfsdfdsfsf.prj"  -n"Design1" -Add "
     The Common Database is at "F:\新建文件夹 (2)\rfsdfdsfsf\database".
     The Root of this design is "Schematic1".
     The Front End Snapshot of this design is "DxD".
     The PCB Design Path of this design is at "F:\新建文件夹 (2)\rfsdfdsfsf\PCB\Design1.pcb".
     The Central Library is at "F:\新建文件夹 (2)\EE2007_DX-Expedition.Central Library-o\EE2007_DX-Expedition.Central Library.lmc".
     Unable to determine the Disable Repackage status.
     !Repackaging will be allowed!
     The PDBs listed in the project file will be searched to satisfy the parts
      requirements of the iCDB only for parts not already found in the
      Target PDB.
     The AllowAlphaRefDes status indicates that reference
      designators containing all alpha characters should be deleted
      and the relevant symbols repackaged.
     The cross mapping of symbol pin names to Part Number pin
      numbers will be checked for packaged symbols and mapped correctly
      for unpackaged symbols.
     Properties that have been checked off in the Property Definition Editor
      found at Library Manager/Common Properties will be checked for value
      differences between the PartsDB and the non-null properties on symbols.
     Those properties checked off (other than Part Number)
      will not be transferred from the PartsDB to symbols.
     The following properties were checked off in the Property Definition Editor:
       "Spice Lib Name"
       "Spice Subckt"
       "Spice Lib Path"
       "Use Verilog"
       "No Pins"
       "ADMS Library"
       "VHDL Model"
       "Verilog Model"
       "Simulation Model"

     Common Data Base has been read
     Target PDB Name: Integration\LocalPartsDB.pdb
     ERROR:  Unable to open Source Parts Data Base F:\新建文件夹 (2)\EE2007_DX-Expedition.Central Library-o\PartsDBLibs\Module-Through.pdb for reading.
      Suspending getting parts by Part Number.
     ERROR:  Unable to create local PDB
     ERROR:  Problem Making Local Parts DataBase

     Testing of Packaging is being terminated with 3 errors and 0 warnings.
      Design has NOT been packaged.
     There have been 3 errors.

pdb中元件没找到导致的吧,是不是cdb流程 没有生成parts?



包含中文路径的话symbol editer不能用!但是原有的part什么的可以用,只是symbol不能修改而已



哎,一样 最近遇到此问题,我是库定义的时候,没有在SYM中定义PART NUMBER,搞了半天

Cadence Allegro 培训套装,视频教学,直观易学

下一篇:Forward annotation 完成了为什么在PCB中没有导入元器件?急

