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Thruhole tape scale 的问题

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运行Post Processing 生成Gerber文件后,发现Thruhole.tap(即钻孔带)的那一层和其它层的scale不一致,大了很多。这个要怎么调回去呢?

I think I might have found the reason. When loading these gerber files, the resolution of the drill file is 2.3 instead of 3.4, which is the resolution of other layers. Once I change that everything goes back to normal.
But the question is, while doing Gerber Setting in Orcad, there is an option regarding output resolution, and I already selected 3.4. How could CAM350 not recognizing this? Where is this information saved?

Cadence Allegro 培训套装,视频教学,直观易学

上一篇:orcad 导出网表时可否屏蔽掉NC元件吗?

